
aus Rillen und Naepfchen, der freien Wissensdatenbank

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GB - Woodborough (Nottinghamshire, Sherwood Forest). An der St. Swithuns's Church (12. - 15.Jh., consecrated 1335) senkrechte Rillen an der Südwand, an der Sakristei und an Strebepfeilern.
“Arrow Head sharpening, there are several examples of vertical grooves where quite possibly the sharpening of arrow heads took place. Grooves can be clearly observed (Fig 5 right) in the stone work on the south wall …” (Q: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/woodboroughheritage/churchmassdials&graffiti.html )
“The vertical grooves could well have been made by the local youth sharpening arrowheads to practice archery in the churchyard.” (Q: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/woodboroughheritage/churchhistoryfrom1100.html )
"… a number of curious, vertical grooves that have given rise to much comment. We noticed them at East Leake and Costock, and they are to be found at Lambley, and, in fact, on the south wall of the churches that were built before the introduction of gunpowder, in all parts of the country, and especially where the stone is of a fine smooth grain … The most popular theory is that they were caused by the sharpening of arrows, a reminder of the days when archery was the first line of attack, and when the youths were required to practise shooting on the south, side of the churchyard on Sunday afternoons..”
(Q: http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/articles/tts/tts1908/summer/woodborough2.htm )